
Medical Acupuncture in Winter Park, FL

Benefit from medical acupuncture in Winter Park, FL, offered by Winter Park Tattoo Removal. Acupuncture is a 5,000-year-old Chinese system of natural healing that uses no drugs and does not rely on surgery. Acupuncture is concerned with restoring proper energy flow to the various organs, glands, and tissues of the body on the premise that most diseases are the result of malfunction due to disrupted energies.

Certified Acupuncturist

Acupuncture Our acupuncturist, Dr. Anthony Filardo, has completed his second fellowship in medical acupuncture. Along with his doctorate, he has completed over 250 acupuncture hours and over 500 clinical cases of acupuncture through 2008.

He is one of few chiropractic physicians in the Orlando area also to be certified in acupuncture and has been practicing for over 10 years in Orlando, and four for acupuncture treatments. Learn more about our treatments and services. Continue reading for answers to some of our most commonly asked acupuncture questions.

Q. Where does the interruption of energy flow occur?
A. In either or both locations: (1) In the channels of energy flow, which are located throughout the body, just beneath the skin surface; (2) In the spinal column where vertebrae may become misaligned, thereby compressing vital nerve trunks.
Q. How do you detect the disturbance in energy flow within a patient?
A. By many methods, including sure signs, symptoms, pain spots, organ reflex points, and by pulse or instrumental findings.
Q. Assuming I’m going to take acupuncture treatments, how are they performed?
A. First, related skin points are determined. Then they are appropriately treated by one of over thirty methods of stimulation some of which are: 1) Long needle insertion (mainly done in acupuncture anesthesia for surgery); 2) Short needle penetration; 3) Non-piercing needles; 4) Fingertip pressure (called shishin or “finger needles”); 5) Metallic balls taped to the points; 6) Electrical stimulation; 7) Moxabustion (the burning of herbs over the points). Note: The non-piercing needed (teishin) is very popular because the technique is practically painless, there is no blood, no danger of infection, and results are equal to, if not better than other methods.
Q. What are some of the conditions commonly treated by acupuncture?
A. Textbook listed conditions run into the hundreds. Typical ailments usually responding to acupuncture health care include: neuralgias, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, tics, spasms, muscular rheumatism; neuralgia of the shoulders and arm, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, ulcers, stomach problems, diarrhea, hepatitis, asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, coughs, certain types of heart trouble, abnormal blood pressure, hemorrhoids, lumbago, bladder irritation, bed wetting, specific kidney problems, female disorders, impotence, glaucoma (sometimes), weak eyesight, hay fever, loss of smell, tonsillitis, loss of hearing, skin conditions, and even nervous or psychiatric factors based on the fact that often mental problems arise from physical disorders.
Q. Are spinal adjusting treatments necessary with acupuncture?
A. Absolutely. Spinal adjusting is part of acupuncture health care. World authorities, including Feliz Mann, M.D. of England; Paul Nogier, M.D. of France; and Kunzo Nagayama, M.D. of Japan are very emphatic on this aspect of “getting well.” Dr. Mann states that many internal diseases are cured by the spinal adjustment alone. Leaving the adjustment (chiropractic) out of the treatment plan invites failure.
Q. Has any research, other than empirical, been conducted?
A. Meridian therapy is natural healing based on knowledge of another biological principal new only to the western world. Soviet scientists Novinski and Vorobiev have proven the premise of ancient Chinese healing by localizing meridian points with a Wheatstone bridge, using an alternating current to prevent polarization. This was fed by a generator of sonic frequency and recorded on a cathode ray oscillograph. When the electrode touched an active acupuncture point the amplitude of the wave on the oscillograph diminished. Best results were derived from frequencies of a few kilohertz and voltage from several millivolts to 4 volts.

Dr. Filardo is Certified in Acupuncture and is a Fellow in the Acupuncture Society of America. He Specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Anti-Aging and Wellness. He is Certified by the Florida State Board and the Acupuncture Society of America. He was certified by Dr. Richard Yennie, a Master in Modern/Classical Medical Acupuncture and Acupuncturist of the year in 1999 by AAOM. Dr. Filardo was instructed in Medical Acupuncture by Dr. Ralph Alandale of the University of Miami School of Medicine.

*Results may vary, and there are no guarantees you will experience the same results as others featured in any marketing materials on this site.

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